CM Chouhan dedicates and performs bhoomi pujan of 13 thousand project over Rs 53 thousand crore

CM Chouhan dedicates and performs bhoomi pujan of 13 thousand project over Rs 53 thousand crore
Will make Madhya Pradesh number one in development
Four-lane road will be built in Bhopal-Vidisha section, elevated flyover will be built at Anand Nagar intersection
Rs 6500 crore approved for Indore Ring Road
Ayodhya Nagar Bypass will be 6 lane, Sandalpur-Bari road will be converted into 4 lane
Mahayagya of development will continue: Chief Minister Chouhan
Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan has said that such a path has been paved for the development of Madhya Pradesh, that can assure every citizen that Madhya Pradesh will remain number one in development. The state will progress to a great extent. Today, 14 thousand 375 development works costing more than Rs 53 thousand 5 crore are being dedicated and bhoomi-pujan is being performed in various districts of the state, which is a record in itself. Chief Minister Chouhan, while heartily congratulating all the citizens of the state for the remarkable programme of launching development works on such a large scale, said that the state government will gather necessary financial resources for development. This is the duty of the government. The great Mahayagya of development will continue. Be it the field of irrigation or power generation, expansion of health facilities or implementation of drinking water, education and public welfare schemes, the government has been arranging budget for all the works and will continue to do so in future also.
Chief Minister Chouhan was virtually laying the foundation and dedicating various development works across the state at Rabindra Sabhagam today. He congratulated all the senior officers and departments including the public representatives, Additional Chief Secretary and Principal Secretary for their active participation in this Mahayagya of development. Cabinet members, MPs, MLAs, District Panchayat President, Vice President, Mayors of cities, Presidents of Municipalities and other officials also participated in the telecast of this programme at various places in the state. Chief Minister Chouhan congratulated the people of the state on the commencement of new irrigation and road schemes.
Four big projects worth approximately Rs 9.5 thousand crores approved for Bhopal and neighbouring districts
Chief Minister Chouhan said that today approval was also given for many schemes related to the capital Bhopal. These include a 6-lane road including service road from Scindia intersection to Ratnagiri intersection on Ayodhya bypass, which will be 16 kilometers long. This construction will improve multimodal connectivity to Bhopal Airport and Railway Station. The cost of this work will be Rs 1050 crore. Similarly, Indore Ring Road of 140 km length will be constructed at a cost Rs 6500 crore. Chief Minister Chouhan approved converting the two national highways, Sandalpur-Bhairunda-Budhni-Bari, into 4 lanes, at a cost of Rs 1525 crore, it will be part of the Narmada Expressway. Approval was also given for 42 kilometer 4 lane road in Bhopal-Vidisha section under National Highway 146. Its cost will be Rs 1248 crore. Elevated flyover near Anand Nagar intersection was also approved.
Chief Minister Chouhan gave details of development in various areas
Chief Minister Chouhan gave detailed description of the works done in various fields. Chief Minister Chouhan said that today Madhya Pradesh has become an remarkable state from a sick one. A network of roads has been laid in the state. The state has won the Krishi Karman Award seven times. Many highways including Atal Expressway, Bundelkhand Expressway, Vindhya Expressway are being constructed. Twenty years ago there were only 50-60 thousand kilometers of roads, but today there are 5 lakh kilometer long roads in the state. Rejuvenation has taken place in many areas. More than 44 lakh houses have been built in the state under the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana. Irrigation capacity has reached 47 lakh hectares. Madhya Pradesh was once a state of darkness. Today energy production has reached 29 thousand MW. Pure tap water is reaching more than 65 lakh families of the state. There has been a revolution in the field of schools. There was a time when children used to go to school with jholas and bags, schools were set-up under trees. Today CM Rise schools are being built, which costs between Rs 40 to 50 crores. Children of poor people also reach these schools taking advantage of the bus facility. CM Rise Vidyalaya has facilities of play ground, library, laboratory. In Smart Class, teachers from New Delhi and Mumbai also provide virtual education.
Global Skill Park is built at a cost of Rs 600 crore. Once there were only 5 medical colleges, now 19 new medical colleges have been established and soon 31 medical colleges will operate in the state. Teaching in Hindi has been encouraged.
Chief Minister Chouhan today performed Bhoomi Pujan of a total of 2073 development works, the cost of which is Rs 45 thousand 46 crore. Similarly, a total of 12 thousand 302 development works were dedicated, the cost of which is Rs 7 thousand 958 crore. Chief Minister Chouhan distributed benefits worth Rs 21 crore 70 lakh to 1001 beneficiaries through single click.
The department wise information of major works is as follows
Culture and Tourism: Two works were launched at a total cost of Rs 4 crore 98 lakh. Similarly, the foundation stone of 14 works was laid at a cost of Rs 123 crore 16 lakh. Mandsaur MLA Yashpal Singh Sisodia, present in the programme along with other public representatives and saints, thanked Chief Minister Chouhan for the initiative taken for the development of Pashupatinath Lok at a cost of Rs 25 crore. He also described the development of Bhadwa Mata religious and tourist place held earlier near Neemuch as important. Chairperson of Mandsaur Municipality, Smt. Ramadevi Gurjar expressed her gratitude towards Chief Minister Chouhan.
Urban Development: Inauguration and Bhoomi-Pujan of works worth about Rs 2.5 thousand crores was completed. In 43 districts of the state, Bhoomi Pujan was performed for 402 works and dedication was done for 22 works under Chief Minister Infrastructure Development Scheme Fourth Phase, Kayakalp and other schemes. Their combined cost is Rs 871 crore. Works completed at a cost of Rs 212 crore for water supply and sewerage in 10 civic bodies of the state were dedicated. Under the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Urban, Grih Pravesh in 11 thousand houses took place in Bhopal Municipal Corporation area. The cost of these houses is Rs 423.50 crore. Under Swachh Bharat Mission, Bhoomi-Pujan of works worth Rs 279.82 crore of Legacy Waste Project was done in 95 urban bodies of the state. Under the Smart City Mission, four works worth Rs 44 crore were dedicated in Jabalpur Municipal Corporation and two works worth Rs 30 crore were dedicated in Gwalior. Similarly, 10 works costing Rs 106 crore were dedicated in Sagar Smart City, 10 works costing Rs 198 crore in Ujjain and 5 works costing Rs 61 crore were dedicated in Satna. The dedication of the first phase of newly constructed 364 G type government houses in North TT Nagar-ABD area of Bhopal was also completed. Similarly, under the Smart City Mission in Bhopal, 407 shops built in ABD area in North TT Nagar Haat Bazaar were also dedicated.
Water Resources: A total of 23 works of the Water Resources Department were dedicated and Bhoomi Pujan performed in 23 districts, their cost is Rs 13 thousand 477 crore.
Narmada Valley Development: Dedication of 7 works and bhoomi pujan of 3 works was done under Narmada Valley Development Department. The combined cost of these works in Khandwa, Mandla, Satna and Katni districts of the state is Rs 4859.41 crore.
Department of Science and Technology: Bhoomi Pujan was performed for the construction of Electronics Manufacturing Cluster Building in the IT Park complex of Barwai, Gandhinagar in Bhopal district. The cost of this work is Rs 12.92 crore.
Labour Department: Under the Labour Department, Shramodya Adarsh Industrial Training Institute Residential was also dedicated in village Mughaliya Chhap, Neelbad, Khajuri Marg, its cost is Rs 16.53 crore.
Department of Social Justice and Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities: Three district rehabilitation centres for persons with disabilities were dedicated in Satna, Shivpuri and Ratlam districts of the state. These centres have been built at a cost of Rs 8 crore 79 lakh. Similarly, a special school and hostel building for mentally underdeveloped children was dedicated in Sagar. The cost of this school and building is Rs 6.68 crore. Five old age home buildings have been constructed by 5 departments of Social Justice Department in 5 districts Betul, Singrauli, Umaria, Satna and Sidhi at a cost of Rs 15.95 crore. This old age home is 50 seater each.
Public Works Department: 60 development works were dedicated in 17 districts under the Public Works Department. Their cost is Rs 668.68 crore. Similarly, Bhoomi-Pujan was performed for 330 development works to be completed at a cost of Rs 5586 crore in 49 districts.
Public Health Engineering: Dedication of 189 works and bhoomi pujan of 838 works of the department took place in various districts of the state, their combined cost is Rs 16193 crore.
Energy Department: 15 works of Energy Department were dedicated in the state. Their cost is Rs 606 crore. Similarly, Bhoomi Pujan of 74 works was also performed, the cost of which is Rs 522 crore.
School Education Department: 25 works of School Education Department were dedicated in the state, their cost is Rs 38 crore. The foundation stone laying work of 56 works of the department was also completed, their cost is Rs 840 crore.
Higher Education Department: A total of 30 works of the Higher Education Department were dedicated and Bhoomi Pujan was performed. Their cost is Rs 150 crore.
Industrial Policy and Investment Promotion Department: Bhoomi Pujan was performed for 10 works under the department, which cost Rs 284.82 crore.
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