
Machines replacing humans, world sinking in the sea: Meeting in UN today on the dangers looming on earth; 193 leaders including Modi-Biden will attend

Artificial Intelligence (AI) can take away the jobs of 30 crore people within 6 years. This means that the work that 30 crore people are doing today will be done by machines by 2030.

By 2050, 13 big cities of the world including Kolkata of India will be completely submerged in the sea. The peace of the world has decreased in the last 16 years.

In 2023, human rights were violated in 155 countries in the world. It will take 286 years to end discrimination against women in the world.

AI, climate change, human rights and global issues are among the 5 issues on which Prime Minister Modi, US President Joe Biden will hold a meeting with the leaders of 193 UN countries today. It has been named Summit for the Future. This summit was to be held in 2021 but it is being delayed by 3 years. 

Why is this summit happening, what is India’s stand on the threats facing the world, why is Modi participating in it, answers to 3 important questions…

Question 1: Why is the Summit for the Future being held? Answer: The purpose of this meeting is to save the future of the earth from impending dangers. Issues like global peace, sustainable development, climate change, human rights and gender will be discussed in the summit. UN Chief Antonio Guterres had demanded to convene this meeting in 2021. This summit is being held with a delay of 3 years.

In fact, in 2015, the UN, recognizing the dangers of the world, had put forward 17 goals in front of world leaders. Almost 10 years are about to complete and only 17% of these goals have been achieved. Between 1970 and 2021, more than 20 lakh people have died in 11,778 disasters due to climate change.

The UN wants to stop this at any cost. Antonio Guterres believes that if the world does not take any action now, it will be too late to save the Earth.

Question 2: What is India’s stand on the threats looming over the world?

Answer: India leads the Global South countries. Be it climate change or global peace or human rights, Global South countries are struggling with these issues. In such a situation, India is in favor of holding this summit.

India will demand changes in other UN institutions including the UNSC, and will present the views of developing countries on climate change. 

Question 3: Why is Prime Minister Narendra Modi attending this summit? Answer: While addressing the people of Indian origin in America on Sunday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said one thing – “India has no role in destroying the world. India’s role in the carbon emission of the whole world is negligible. We chose the path of green transition. Because of our love for nature, we are investing in green, hydro, solar. India is the only country in G20 that has accomplished the climate goal first.”

Prime Minister Modi will present India’s stand on the threats facing the world at the summit. India has been demanding a climate tax on rich countries. In such a situation, Modi can be seen reiterating it.

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