
Pope said- choose the less evil candidate in the US presidential election: said- one expels immigrants, the other is a supporter of abortion, both are against life

Pope Francis, the world’s top Christian religious leader, has advised American Catholics to choose the ‘less satanic candidate’ between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump in the presidential election.

While returning to Rome from a four-nation Asian tour, Francis held a press conference on the plane on Friday. In this, he criticized Kamala and Trump without naming them.

The Pope said, “Not voting is a bad thing. You just have to choose the less satanic candidate while voting. Who is less satanic? That lady (Kamala) or that gentleman (Trump)? I don’t know. Everyone has to use their conscience to identify it.”

Pope Francis' Asia tour began on September 2. He visited Papua New Guinea, Indonesia and Singapore. This was his longest trip so far.
Pope Francis’ Asia tour began on September 2. He visited Papua New Guinea, Indonesia and Singapore. This was his longest trip so far.

Pope said- Trump and Kamala both are against life. Pope said that both the candidates are against life. Whether it is him (Trump) who expels immigrants from the country, or Kamala Harris, who supports killing children in the womb.

The Pope said that driving migrants out of the country is a ‘grave sin’. He said that driving migrants away and preventing them from living a better life is not right at all. This is a kind of meanness.

Earlier in 2016, Pope Francis had also condemned Trump for his stand on immigration. He had said that anyone who builds a wall to keep out immigrants is not a ‘true Christian’.

Pope said- No matter how young the age, it is not right to kill. Pope has commented on the issue of abortion many times before. He said in October 2018 that it is not right to end a human life to solve any problem. No matter how young the age is.

Pope Francis has previously made several statements on abortion and immigrants.
Pope Francis has previously made several statements on abortion and immigrants.

Pope said on Gaza war – it is very terrible Pope Francis was also asked a question about the Gaza war. He said, “When you see the bodies of children killed, when you hear that schools have been bombed, it is very sad to hear this. It is very terrible.”

The Pope said, “It is said that this is a struggle for self-defense, but sometimes I think it is a great war. I am sorry to say this, but I do not see any steps being taken towards peace.”

Christianity in America

  • According to the Pew Research Center (PRC), the number of Catholic Christians in America was about 20% in April 2024. The population of America is about 26.2 crores. Out of this, 5.2 crores are Catholics.
  • According to PRC, 52% of them support the Republican Party and 44% support the Democratic Party. According to the survey, 75% Catholic Christians have a positive opinion about Pope Francis.
  • Christianity is the largest religion in America. According to a Gallup poll, 68% of people believed in Christianity in 2024. Protestants make up the majority of these, at 33%.
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