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BMC Raises a Stink over Man Peeing in Upper Lake

Municipal Commissioner Harendra Narayan has sought stringent action


Soon after a video showing a man urinating into Bhopal’s famed Upper Lake went viral on social media, BMC officials tracked him down, slapped a fine, and moved an application seeking stringent action against him.

The man was tracked down after Municipal Commissioner Harendra Narayan took strong exception to the misdemeanor; he instructed BMC staffers to bring the man to book.

Sure enough, the man was found within a matter of hours, but he pleaded ignorance, saying his car had been borrowed by a friend who may have been the one taking a piddle.

BMC staffers slapped a fine of Rs 5,000 on the man and later moved an application at the Kohefiza police station, urging for stringent action against him for his misconduct.

City residents said Narayan’s commendable action will set an example and deter those with an urge.

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