Administration and public representatives work together as a team for betterment of state and public

Bhopal. Chief Minister Shri Shivraj Singh Chouhan today reviewed preparations of three ambitious campaigns – Anand Utsav, ‘Namami Devi Narmade’ Narmada Seva Yatra and Nagaroday campaign – discussing with district collectors and public representatives at Mantralaya in a video conference. He said that administration and public representatives should work together as a team for betterment of state and public. Anand Utsav will be organised between forthcoming January 14 and 21 across the state. Sports and cultural programmes will be held at gram panchayat level. ‘Namami Devi Narmade’ Narmada Seva Yatra will be taken out between December 11 to May 5. Intensive public campaign will be run to make Narmada river, the lifeline of madhya Pradesh, pollution-free and its protection. Nagaroday campaign will be launched in three phases between December 25 and February 5. Starting of developmental works in urban areas, providing benefits to eligible beneficiaries under different beneficiary oriented schemes and public problems will be redressed in the campaign. Forests Minister Dr Gaurishankar Shejwar, Chief Secretary Shri BP Singh and vice presidents of Jan Abhiyan Parishad Shri Pradip Pandey and Shri Raghvendra Gautam were present on the occasion.
People of all sections, age to participate in Anand Utsav
Chief Minister Shri Chouhan said that formation of Happiness Department is a unique initiative of the state government. Every person wants to be happy. Happiness Department will be developed as a platform which will make endeavour to enhance persons’ happiness and joy. All sections and public representatives should be involved in programmes to be held even at panchayat level under Anand Utsav. It was informed that State Happiness Institute has been constituted. One officer from each district has been made nodal officer of the Happiness Department. Most of the works of the department will be carried out through volunteers. All nodal officers will get registered as ‘Anandak’. They will take of the work of the department with their regular job. Sports and cultural programmes will be held at Gram Panchayat level under Anand Utsav. People of all sections and ages will participate in them. Public participation will be encouraged in the arrangements of the programmes. Programmes can also be organised in urban areas at local level in districts.
Biggest River Conservation Programme in World
Chief Minister Shri Chouhan said that ‘Namami Devi Narmade’ Narmada Seva Yatra is the state government’s sacred and ambitious programme. It will be the biggest campaign river conservation programme to make the river clean. Saplings will be planned along the side of the river Narmada to make its pollution-free and for conservation. Efforts will be made to continue flow of pure water in the river. Plantations will be carried out government and forests land on the banks of the river. Also, farmers will be motivated to plant trees on private land for three years. Farmers will be given compensation for three years for planting fruit-bearing trees. For this, Rs 20,000 per hectare per year will be provided for three years. He said that works will be carried out to prevent dumping of garbage, stop flow of sewage water in the river in cities and construct toilet in every house on its bank for making the river pollution free.
Pad Yatra will be taken out in villages along the side of the river though which, atmosphere can be made for environment and Narmada conservation. Up-Yatras will be taken out in every district along with this in the state which will culminate at nearby bank of the river. It will be launched and run as public movement. A day before arrival of the Yatra, public will be informed through ‘munadi’. Villagers will welcome the Yatra in villages and will be part of it till next village. Narmada Seva Samiti will be formed in villages during this and resolution will be administered to make Narmada river clean and construction of toilet in every house. Minimum two changing rooms will be made at each ghat on the Narmada river during the Yatra. Government land will be reserved for plantation on the banks of the river and plantation will be carried out.
Entire village will attend mass Aarti of Narmada Maa, to be held in the evening. Bhajan programmes will be held after Aarti. Religious heads, social workers, environmentalists and renowned personalities will participate in the Yatra. Route chart has been sent to districts from the state government. He said that this is a unique social movement and all should participate in it with emotions. Forests minister Dr Gaurishankar Shejwar will coordinate the yatra at state level. Forests minister Dr Shejwar said that he will review preparations regarding the campaign with district level committees in the districts part of the Yatra after December 1.
It was informed that Narmada Seva Yatra will be covered by foot or vehicle in case of necessity. Total 1909 km Yatra will be covered by foot and remaining 1435 km by vehicle. Every day, 25 km distance will be covered. Public dialogue programmes will be organised during the Yatra on issues related with water and river conservation. Public awareness will be made on sanitation, plantation, water and soil conservation and environment protection. The Yatra will be taken out from 16 districts and other districts will organise Up-Yatras. Cultural programmes will be held during it.
Nagaroday Abhiyan in 378 Cities
CM Shri Chouhan said that campaign will be conducted to benefit eligible beneficiaries and to redress public grievances in all the 378 cities of Madhya Pradesh under the Nagroday Abhiyan. This will be organized in the form of Janabhiyan. It is informed that the campaign will be conducted in three phases. Teams for each ward will be formed in the first phase organizing from December 25 to 28. Also Mohalla committees will be included in these teams. Moreover, in the second phase from January 03 to 15 infrastructure works and its quality within time limit beside implementation of beneficiaries oriented schemes will be evaluated. Under this Swachchata Abhiyan, Public Distribution System, sanitation and maintenance at Government Buildings and Residential Hostels will be evaluated. Further under the third phase to be begun from January 20 to February 05, benefits of the schemes will be provided to the beneficiaries under the abhiyan besides sanctioning of infrastructure works and dedication of completed works will be undertaken. Moreover, it is informed that works are being carried out in all the 34 Amrut Cities under the Swachchata Abhiyan.
Kahani Utsav from December 29
It is informed that Kahani Utsav will be observed from December 29 in order to develop better learning capabilities among the students in each primary school. Under this, folk story reading will be organized on December 3. Moreover, students and teachers competitions will be organized at district level and best students and teachers will be awarded at state level. CM Shri Chouhan said that Kahani Utsav should be organized in a proper manner.
Farmers Convention on December 10
Chief Minister Shri Chouhan said that poor beneficiaries training and benefit distribution programme will be organized on December 04 at Jamboori Maidan-Bhopal. Training will be given for schemes and benefit will be distributed to 5 beneficiaries of each schemes. Furthermore, in the farmers convention to be held on December 10, sanction letters of approved crop insurance claim worth Rs. 4 thousand 400 crore will be distributed among the farmers. He further said that ration distribution work under the public distribution system should be conducted properly. In case of POS machine breakdown, distribute ration manually to the poor. Make continuous efforts to maintain and improve law and order situation. Result oriented review will be made for directives issued at the Collectors-S.P. conference.
It is informed that an amount of Rs. 4 thousand 400 crore towards crop insurance claim to 20 lakh 50 thousand farmers will be distributed under the crop insurance in the state. Sanction letters of insurance claim will be given in the Farmers Conventions. Beside this a roadmap to double the farmers’ income will be presented. Agriculture exhibition and fairs will be organized during the farmers convention.
Moreover, it is informed that Women Empowerment Convention at Morena on December 12, Nomad Tribes Convention at Dewas on December 15, SC/ST Convention at Badwah on December 21, Forest Committees’ Convention at Chhindwara on December 22, Youths’ Convention at Rewa on December 26 and Self Help Groups’ Convention at Mandla on December 28 will be held.
Ministers, MLAs and Public Representatives present in the districts gave suggestions during the video conferencing. Additional Chief Secretaries and Principal Secretaries of the concerned departments were present.
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